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“Ministry is our Business...”  


HML Network is the umbrella organization and management company for HML Ministries, Schools, Business Services, and the Global Christian Network (MA).  HMLN utilizes an interconnected four-component ministry development, endorsement, and resource management system. The HML Network is represented by 4 divisions that include soul-winning by evangelism and outreach ministries, discipleship by schools of ministry training and ordination, funding by its business services that support ministry efforts and Church fellowship by faith group and ministerial association. The entire network is designed to operate in harmony to impact culture with the Gospel by meeting the physical, spiritual and financial needs of hurting people.


HMLN provides ecclesiastical endorsement, and representation for ministries, businesses and educational institutions. In a world where ministers and ministries are scrutinized like never before, people need to know that your ministry, business and school is accountable, believable, and credible. We call this the ABC standard. Moreover, HMLN specializes in network building; helping to establish relationships, alliances, partnerships and collaborations among ministers, businessmen, and educators that share similar gifts, talents, passions and the desire to impact lives with the Gospel of the Kingdom through church ministry, business and education.


The Hope for the Nations


“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.” 

[Proverbs 19:17]

Be Inspired
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