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The IC (International Cathedral) is the church ministry outreach of HML Network that utilizes 21st century technology which includes the world wide web, internet radio and social media to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we build a global congregation of ministry listeners and supporters.

Our desire is to provide you with a fresh 21st century Kingdom perspective in ministry and serving God by learning to let Jesus rule and reign in your heart.  One of our goals is to help you establish a closer walk with the Lord and a deeper level of trusting Him. We guarantee that each time you visit, you will hear something in the word you never heard before; you will see something in the word have never seen before, and you will be inspired through the word to do something that you have never done before. Our other goal is to have at least 1 million prayer partners to support the Hope for the Nations Campaign.


HML Network Open House

May 2013

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Meet the IC Co-Host - HML
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Kingdom Elevation 5/25/18 - HML
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